About Us

Our Story


We were founded

Just Movement, a not-for-proft organisation, was set up in 2016 by Anne Little with the aim of keeping older adults happy, healthy and ‘together’ through participation in tailored chair-based exercise programmes.

Anne has a vast experience of inspiring others to engage in a more active lifestyle and has been running health-related exercise classes since 2010. She has even been a senior lecturer in Exercise, Physical Activity and Health at the University of Huddersfield so is well-placed to provide help to those who need it.


The pandemic hit

When Covid closed the physical classes, we realised that our participants were isolated in their own homes, with little contact from the outside world. We acted as quickly as possible to make them feel they were not alone. Firstly, regular phone calls to ask how they were and check on general wellbeing. Secondly, set up Zoom sessions online. We sent out step by step instructions how to get online, phone calls to participates, carers, family, showing in detail how to setup zoom. On occasions set up their laptops from the doorstep! Third stage, after we knew zoom sessions were going well and the weather got better and we were able to set up outside actual chair classes to run alongside the zoom sessions. The chairs were measured to the government guidelines of 6 feet apart and the ladies and gents really enjoyed the social distance classes. The constant involvement via zoom, classes, emails and phone calls helped to keep the ladies and gents active, responsive and really grateful to JM team.

This work led to Just Movement becoming approved providers for the Asthma and Lung UK (formerly British Lung Foundation) and Age UK. As a result, our team produced a DVD for Age UK for their ‘We are Undefeatable’ project funded by the Richmond Group of Charities of which Age UK and Asthma and Lung UK (British Lung Foundation) members.


Where we are now

Working in Huddersfield and Rydale we now run 4 community-based classes a week as well as working with 5 other organisations to help run classes for their members.

Our aim now is to develop Just Movement so we are able to grow the number of classes and services we offer and help more elderly people and those with mobility issues keep moving, retain independence and connect with others.

We are currently seeking further funding to help us expand our staffing, create new roles within the organisation and, finally, pay those who have been loyal to us from the start for what they do.


We are delighted to have received funding from a number of local and national organisations including Sport England, National Lottery Community Fund; The Co-op and One Community. The funding we have received to-date has enabled us to grow the number of physical and digital classes we offer with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of all involved including participants, instructors, volunteers and local/national partners.

Meet Our Team




About Lucy

I’m Lucy Stevenson, mum to two teenage boys (I know right!!), a Director of Just Movement and senior class Leader. I started out attending Zumba classes with Anne many years ago and soon was hooked. Fast forward a few years and I am running my own Zumba and Zumba Gold classes and helping Anne with Chair based Zumba classes too.

Having previously worked as a HCA in the Community District Nursing team, I recognise the need for exercise, continuing independence and the avoidance of isolation in older adults. And I do have a soft spot for the older generation, they are such valuable members of the community and often overlooked and ignored.

I have my Zumba & Zumba Gold qualification, Safeguarding Adults, First Aid, Chair Based exercise Leaders Level 2 and Group Exercise Leader Level 2 and almost completed Pilates Level 3 and Level 3 Designing Exercises for Older Adults to name a few qualifications, however I constantly learn to keep up with the most recent teachings.

I now run a regular weekly chair class in Meltham and also deliver sessions to various community groups on a regular basis. I have to say, it’s the highlight of my week. The class is so uplifting and fun and I really feel such a great group spirit with everyone. Secretly I do take an immense pride when I see someone moving a little better, cracking a smile or just tapping along with the music.

I always tell people, especially new joining people, that even my Mum comes to class – that’s how much I believe in what I do. I cannot express what a joy and a privilege it is to work with the Just Movement team and for all the Just Movement attendees.

I just love the idea of our classes, what they achieve and the pleasure it brings to many. The feelgood factor during and after every class stays with me. The rest of the team are all very like-minded and the support we give each other is amazing.


About Sue

Sitting in the care home with my Mum, I watched as the carers would try to entertain the group of residents, wondering if maybe I could do something to make their time there more entertaining. After Mum passed away, I often thought of music they enjoyed.

Soon after, in 2016, I was asked by one of the Just Movement team to come along to one of the chair classes to be helper. Not knowing what to expect, I went along. That was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was totally blown away by the whole ideal of bringing so much joy, happiness and well being to these ladies. I have never looked back since. I handed my notice in at work and decided to be a helper whenever asked. Eventually, I decided to take the plunge and take the instructor’s exam and became a fully-fledged Just Movement Instructor. It’s been a world wind ever since, with my confidence growing, covering classes for other team members to recently taking over large classes and even starting one from scratch and building up the numbers.

I was delighted to be asked to be one of the directors and have given the role of admin support and class scheduling.

I just love the idea of our classes, what they achieve and the pleasure it brings to many. The feelgood factor during and after every class stays with me. The rest of the team are all very like-minded and the support we give each other is amazing.


About Nina

I’ve always exercised as, for me, it’s an important part of keeping fit and healthy but as the years rolled on I began to think about how I could keep exercising when my body was no longer as strong as it once was. Do I just give up? Then I was invited to a Zumba chair class . Boom! Problem solved, this was definitely the way to go, the music and routines were great and so much fun that I didn’t realise that I was exercising when in actual fact all the moves are designed to help strengthen our bodies and help with mobility etc. Also there’s a great social aspect to it too as, after the session, we all had a cup of tea and sat for a while chatting. All so good for our well-being. Needless to say that I now teach chair Zumba and I love every minute. I’m so happy that as I age I can still keep fit and healthy and help others do the same.


About Linda

Hello, my name is Linda and I am pleased to find myself here telling you how proud I am to be part of the “Just Movement” team.
Having attended Zumba Gold classes for 12 years plus, I was approached to see if I would be interested in volunteering at a Chair Based Zumba Class on an ad hoc basis! My response was… yes, I would love to, but I don’t want a commitment!
Guess what? I now find myself planning appointments and my life around Chair Based Zumba! In the time that I have been involved with Just Movement I have completed a course and gained a qualification as a Chair Based Exercise Instructor.
I enjoy meeting the class participants and look forward to hearing their stories & what they get up to in-between classes!
The classes have many benefits for all who attend, both physical and mental, and of course the social aspect is a bonus!
I love the Chair Based Zumba classes and feel very rewarded to see and hear the positivity surrounding it.


About Alison

It’s nearly 27 years since I started exercise classes & I’ve been a regular participant since. Exercise always makes you feel better, and in a group there’s the social element, meeting others who feel the same, encouraging you to keep going.

So when I retired & returned to work part time as a nurse, I planned to spend more time exercising. When the opportunity to join ‘Just Movement’ as a volunteer arose, it seemed like a natural progression, doing something I love whilst allowing me to share it with others. My Mum suffered mobility issues in the last few years of her life & would have benefited so much from chair-based exercise, helping her maintain her independence longer. Like me she would have loved the movement, music & companionship. With tea & biscuits on offer, what’s not to like?


About Barbara
My background in fitness and dance extends back more than 20 years. In that time, I have taken part in many different classes. Of them all Zumba is the one that I have stuck to as I love Latin music and Salsa dancing.
I taught Salsa and was also a Zumba instructor for a number of years, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I enjoy walking and being outdoors. Last year I completed a 26 miles Mighty Hike for Macmillan Cancer Support.
At the moment I am support at Zumba Gold and Just Movement chair based Zumba. Both of which I thoroughly enjoy.


About Heather
Having spent all my working life in the NHS and then taking early retirement I was a latecomer to the world of Zumba. As a child and young teenager I loved ballet and dance of any format but once I was passed looking after children and everyday life as a parent and in full time work, I felt a bit in limbo as to picking up any form of dance exercise again. I started doing Zumba Gold in January this year and immediately knew this would be a passion. Working with the ladies in Chair classes is such a joy and I get immense pleasure from seeing the enjoyment they get too. The Just Movement team are a group of wonderful ladies, all with much more experience than me but are generous in giving their time and skills not only to classes but in helping me progress on my own Zumba journey.


About Mary
Twenty seven years ago I was a mum on maternity leave with a baby, a toddler and doing the school run.  One of the mum’s at school told me about a post natal exercise group, I had always done a physical job which I thought kept me fit so I went along to meet other people rather than fitness.  I found I really enjoyed exercising to music as well as meeting other mums so when it came to leaving the group as I was going back to work I felt that I wanted to maintain my new level of fitness. I did aqua fit, line dancing, aerobics, step, running and even joined a gym for a short time.  I found exercising to music to be my thing, it kept me motivated and energised.
In 2010 zumba arrived in the Holme Valley, I found it scary to begin with as there was no teaching involved, just keep moving with no right or wrong moves but the upbeat music and mixture of genres encourages movement and energy.  I have been hooked ever since.  I feel zumba makes me feel good mentally and physically,  My fitness. stamina and co-ordination have improved.
I have now retired and was curious to find out how zumba can be done chair based, I found it contains all the elements of exercise that I enjoy – fun, good music, strength, flexibility and coordination exercises and it is mentally uplifting.  Plus there is the social side of chair based zumba, at the end of each class there is a cup of tea (coffee or water available),biscuits and chat with a great group of participants. I feel like I have come full circle finding an exercise group with a social element.